CleverPlato Ai Magazine: 7 Suggestions On How Business Leaders Can Invest In New AI Roles And Skillsets

7 Suggestions On How Business Leaders Can Invest In New AI Roles And Skillsets

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly integral to business success, business leaders must proactively invest in new roles and skillsets to stay competitive. Here are seven suggestions that business leaders should consider to build their company’s AI capabilities:

Cultivating an AI-Ready Workforce

Prioritize upskilling current employees to cultivate an AI-ready workforce, while also attracting external talent with specialized AI expertise.

Creating Specialized AI Roles

Establish roles such as AI strategists, data scientists, and machine learning engineers to focus on the development and deployment of AI solutions.

Building Cross-Functional AI Teams

Develop cross-functional teams that combine AI expertise with business acumen to drive AI initiatives aligned with business goals.

Investing in MLOps

Implement MLOps (machine learning operations) to streamline the deployment and management of AI models, ensuring they deliver continuous business value.

Promoting a Culture of Innovation

Encourage a culture that embraces experimentation and learning from AI successes and failures.

Ensuring Ethical AI Practices

Invest in roles dedicated to the ethical use of AI, who can navigate the complex and ethical landscape of AI applications.

Strengthening AI Governance

Create roles focused on AI governance to oversee data use, model accuracy, and compliance with regulations.

By investing in new roles and skillsets, business leaders can ensure their companies are well-positioned to harness the full potential of AI, which can lead to increased efficiency, innovation, and competitive advantage.

Source: CleverPlato AI Magazine

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