Marketplace Product

Sell Your Tech Solutions on CleverPlato Marketplace

Sell Your Tech Solutions on CleverPlato Marketplace

CleverPlato is designed as a platform to help you sell your AI and technology business solutions to targeted business buyers. By using CleverPlato, you can showcase your innovative solutions, connect with potential buyers, and drive sales growth. Discover how CleverPlato can increase your sales and successfully market your AI and technology offerings to a wider audience.

We engage more than 10k business executives on AI and Tech on a weekly basis through emailers, social media, articles and site visits. Reach business buyers for your business solutions in North America. 


Tech Categories

Current tech categories are listed below. If you don't see your category, request that we can add the category to our marketplace. 

  • AI
  • Software
  • Devices
  • Equipment
  • IoT
  • Infrastructure
  • Robotics
  • VR/AR
  • Don’t see your category? Ask us to add this

How it works

  1. Complete form below
  2. Our team reviews information
  3. We contact you to discuss options and commercials
  4. Your tech solution is published and promoted


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